
Showing posts from February, 2023

KRN informatix | Weekdays selenium training in bangalore.

selenium is a very popular tool which is used by software testers and developers for automation testing . It is an open-source tool that can automate web browsers across different platforms and is highly flexible and customizable. However, to use Selenium effectively, it is essential to have proper training and guidance. That's where KRN Informatix comes in. We offer comprehensive Selenium training in Bangalore that covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts. Our weekday training program is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of Selenium and equip you with the skills you need to succeed in your career. So if you're looking for a reliable and reputable Selenium training institute in Bangalore , look no further than KRN Informatix. Selenium weekday training KRN Informatix provides the end to end training on Weekdays selenium training in Bangalore from very basics to high end including Real time project. The Selenium Training conducted by Real time professional, M

The role of software testing in a computer science engineering course in 2023

  Software testing is necessary for software development and computer science engineering courses in 2023. Learn why software testing is so important, how it works, and what resources are needed to ensure the best quality outcome. Get the latest updates on software testing trends and techniques. As a student in a computer engineering course, you may need to design your own app and perform some software tests. To do this, you can find someone to help you or use a third party. Also Check: Automation Testing Training in Bangalore In today's world where there is no shortage of software applications, the role of software testing is very important. As software applications grow, it's important for companies to ensure that their software works as intended and is free of errors and glitches. This can be achieved by having the test team test the application before going live. As a software tester, you help students understand what they need to know and apply it to their work. To get st

Mastering the Art of Automated Testing Course A Step-by-Step Guide

  What is automated testing?  Automated testing is the process of using tools, scripts, and software to execute test cases by repeating predefined actions. Test automation focuses on replacing manual human activities with systems or devices that increase efficiency. Testing of any software product is very important before to start using the software. most people are likely not to buy or use a software product if it doesn't work properly, at least not if it hasn't been used for a long time. However, manual testing is a time taking process for finding bugs, and it is also very expensive process, frequently it’s boring, and prone to human error. This is where automation comes into play. Automation is essential for software development teams to quickly respond to the growing demand for quality software. KRN Informatix is providing  Automation Testing Training in Bangalore with various Automated Testing courses. Also Check: Software Testing Training in Bangalore Which test cases sh

Top 10 Software Testing Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

If you are preparing for a software testing interview? Get ready with our top 10 software testing training interview questions and answers. Learn the basics of software testing, find out what employers are looking for. 1. What does software testing mean? Software testing is the process used to evaluate the effectiveness, correctness, and usability of software programs. Therefore, software testing involves running a system or program to check for bugs  or other defects. The purpose is to ensure that the code meets the customer's individual needs, expectations and requirements. 2. Describe different types of software testing. Unit testing Unit testing focuses on the most fundamental building blocks of software design. Programmers often accomplish this task by taking sample inputs and observing the corresponding outputs. Test either a single unit or a collection of related items. Integration testing Integration tests are used to validate a set of elements put together. Verifies whe

What are the top courses for software testing

  In this blog you will learn about some software testing courses that will help you become a successful QA engineer. Get the skills and knowledge you need to start your career in software testing with our top-rated software testing course . Learn core principles, test automation techniques, and more with industry Manual testing course: If you are a beginner or want to improve your functional manual testing skills, the following courses are worth checking out. Also Check: Selenium Training in Bangalore Quality Assurance Training – It is a very comprehensive course designed to help individuals master all types of tests. This course uses tools like QTP, HP UFT training and Load Runner, and includes details on manual testing and automated testing. The course also covers web service testing, mobile app testing, ETL and data warehouse testing using Soap UI and other tools. It also includes live project tests for various sectors such as banking, healthcare, and telecom. Overall, an excellent